Capacitive vs. Resistive Touch Panel – What feels better?

The evolution of user interface apparatuses is an intriguing journey. We’ve come a long way from perforated cards to gloves, joysticks, and mice, and now we’re exploring the world of touch panels. Today, we’ll delve into touch panels, specifically comparing capacitive and resistive touch screens and helping you decide which one feels better for your needs.

Resistive Touch Panel

Resistive touch panels are the robust ones that need a little extra push. They require actual pressure on the screen, and here’s how they operate:

These panels consist of two layers – a film screen and a glass screen – divided by a tiny gap. Within this gap, each screen has a layer of film with electrodes. It bends when you touch the film screen with your finger or an object. This bending connects the 2 electrode films, creating a flow of current.


  1. Compatibility: Resistive touch panels can be used with various objects, from stylus pens to regular pens, and even while wearing gloves. The touch operation remains consistent, regardless of the material utilized.
  2. Precision: These panels offer accurate touch recognition, making them suitable for tasks like handwriting recognition.
  3. Cleanliness: Since users often use stylus pens or other not-so-sharp objects, the touch panel has fewer germs and skin oils.


  1. Pressure Sensitivity: It can be frustrating as not every contact is recognized; only those with sufficient applied pressure register.
  2. Display Quality: Light has to traverse via two film layers, reducing light transmission and lowering display quality.
  3. Durability: Resistive displays wear out quickly and have diminished shock resistance.
  4. No Multi-Touch: They don’t support multi-touch distinction unless you’re prepared to re-configure their functionality.

Capacitive Touch Panel

The capacitive touch panels are the lighter touches of the bunch. They don’t need much pressure, but they do require conductivity.

There are 2 types of capacitive touch panels: Projected Capacitive and Surface Capacitive.

Surface Capacitive:

These panels feature a delicate coating of electrodes beneath a glass veneer coated with a shielded layer. 4 electrodes on the corners of the panel provide the film with ample electric voltage. When a conductive material, like a finger of a human, is around the electrode film, it alters electrostatic capacity. The controller detects touch points by measuring these changes. These panels are usually used on larger screens where pinpoint accuracy isn’t crucial.

Projected Capacitive:

Projected capacitive touch panels are more advanced. They have a design of electrode layers beneath the glass and protective cover, forming an X-Y plane. Using this pattern, the controller calculates touch events, resulting in highly precise touch sensing. This is why they’re commonly used in small devices like smartphones.


  1. No Force Needed: A capacitive touch panel responds even if you position your finger a few millimeters close to the screen without force.
  2. Precision: Capacitive touch panels offer accurate recognition, specifically with projected capacitive screens.
  3. Display Quality: These panels usually provide better display quality than resistive screens indoors or in sunlight.
  4. Multi-Touch: They support multi-touch recognition.


  1. MaterialDependency: Capacitive screens don’t operate with every material. Gloves, for instance, are not conductive, so you’ll need something conductive to touch the screen. There are workarounds, but this can be a drawback.
  2. Cost: Capacitive screens tend to be slightly more pricey than resistive ones.
  3. Hygiene: Since full finger contact is necessary, these screens can be more prone to stains and germs than resistive screens.

So, there you have it! Whether you want to vent your anger on your touch display or gracefully glide like a piano master, your choice between capacitive and resistive touch panels will depend on your specific needs and preferences. The good news is both options are available, so you can pick the interface that suits you best!